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U.S citizenship attainment and Visa Variants

Immigration is the international movement of people to a certain country of which they are not natives or where they do not possess citizenship in order to settle as permanent residents or naturalized citizens. Immigration support companies around the world work towards easing out the immigration journey to kickstart, for migration to United States. The...

Role of legal research in litigation drafting

Legal research is the process of identifying and retrieving information necessary to support legal decision-making. Legal Research helps solve complex legal issues, gives the lawyer understanding and analysis of a case while identifying the relevant facts and determining the legal issues. Legal research can have various sources, such as statutes, regulations, treaties, court orders, administrative...

Globally, mundane business maneuvers and consumer behavior has been shaken up on a massive scale due to COVID – 19. Various business sectors are struggling to slow the spread of the illness and contain the infection. The virus spread has proven to be the biggest threat to the global economy and financial markets. In these...

What is third party lease abstraction?

Lease abstraction has become the talk of the town, due to its impact upon the improving efficiency of the real estate clients across the globe. The majority of these lease abstracts are made by third parties. Still, some of the businesses refuse to adopt the new technological advancements which will reduce the paperwork and resolves...

Does a lawsuit mean Litigation? Litigation is the entire process that takes place after the filing of the case in court. Litigation drafting mainly consists of the drafting of motions and briefs, pleadings, demand letters, discovery requests, and evaluation letters. When the GDP/ economy of a country expands, businesses boom through the increased rendering of...

What is an RFE? An RFE or Request for Evidence is a request that is issued by the USCIS or US citizens and Immigration Services. The RFE’s are issued in the name of petitioners for residency, citizenship, visas- both family and employment. These RFE’s are issued when there are inconsistencies found in the documents, or...
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